New Admin Panel


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Saved filter.

Saved filters.

You can custom saved filters in your view managers. Custom saved filters allow you easily access the products, orders, customers meet the criteria you've set. Save time for regular operation.

Yes, we will slowly introduce this great feature to all sections.

You can custom saved filters in your view managers. Custom saved filters allow you easily access the products, orders, customers meet the criteria you've set. Save time for regular operation.

Yes, we will slowly introduce this great feature to all sections.

Additional Filter For Custom Report.

Additional Filter For Custom Report.

You can apply multiple additional filters to generate specific insight of your business. You can find out how many orders generated by your Mother’s Day campaign are above $100. You can also find out are the best selling products among the traffic generated by your paid display ads on Facebook with the help of UTM parameters.

Save your custom report for repeat use.

You can apply multiple additional filters to generate specific insight of your business. You can find out how many orders generated by your Mother’s Day campaign are above $100. You can also find out are the best selling products among the traffic generated by your paid display ads on Facebook with the help of UTM parameters.
Save your custom report for repeat use.

Neater navigation.

Neater navigation.

We changed the menu behaviour and rearranged some of the navigation based on their usage. The pages that you visit frequently are brought to the front, and we consolidated items that less likely visit.

We rearranged some of the navigation based on their usage. The pages that you visit frequently are brought to the front, and we consolidated items that less likely visit.

Quick links.

Quick links.

The quick links allow you access to the different section of a page quickly.

The quick links allow you access to the different section of a page quickly.

More space for content.

More space for content.

You can tap/click the navigation menu icon to close and open the dismissible navigation drawer.

You can tap/click the navigation menu icon to close and open the dismissible navigation drawer.

Primary action button is nearer.

Primary action button is nearer.

We move the primary action buttons to stick to the bottom of your browser. You can access them directly once you are done with your edit.

We move the primary action buttons to stick to the bottom of your browser. You can access them directly once you are done with your edit.

Admin profile.

Admin profile.

New user widget shows the visible login ID and login details. You can access your profile directly to enable 2FA or change your password. Logout link is also visible.

New user widget shows the visible login ID and login details. You can access your profile directly to enable 2FA or change your password. Logout link is also visible.

If you have any questions, you may reach our support team:

   65-6334 3168



Posted on 13 April 2020