Setup reCAPTCHA by Google
Setup Google reCAPTCHA
- Sign in to your Google account.
- Visit or access reCAPTCHA v3 Admin Console to sign up for an API key pair
- Create a label for your website reCAPTCHA
- Choose "Score based (v3)" as the reCAPTCHA type.
- Input your website domain in the Domains section
- Click submit
- Upon submission, the site key and secret key will be displayed on the page.
Install Google reCAPTCHA
- Please go to Shopcada App Store to install the module.
- Go to Manage Your Store (Dashboard) > App Store
- Scroll down to the Web Design section and click on ReCAPTCHA.
- Click on it and follow the installation instructions.
Setup Google reCAPTCHA
- Go to Manage Your Store (Dashboard) > Setting > General> ReCAPTCHA v3.
- Key in parameter value for reCAPTCHA Site key and reCAPTCHA Secret key
- Enable the page(s) you would like to turn on reCAPTCHA
- Click Save Configuration