Reward Points: Setting

Topics for Reward Points Setting:


Setting: Branding

  • Go to Manage Your Store (Dashboard) > Setting > Marketing > Reward Points.
  • Enter Naming Of The Reward Points to match your branding.
  • Enter Word to use in Order & Checkout Line Item to reflect on the storefront checkout page and order details.


Points Award Options

  • You can decide how you would like to award a point to your customers based on purchases.
  • Enter Point System Start Date to activate the rewards to orders after the start date. The system will only issue point to order checkout on and after the start date. 
  • Select the Points Award Calculation Type:
    • Select Simple if you would like to issue points to all customers in the same way. 
      X points will be awarded to the customer for every $Y dollar spend. 
    • Select By Membership Tier to differentiate the points awarded by membership tiers.
  • You are also able to apply different points award rule to Birthday Month Members, this works only for purchases made during a members' birthday month. Please turn on Apply different points award calculation to Birthday Month member and fill in the rules by either Simple or Membership Tier mode.                                                                                                   

The amount spend will be the net amount after deduction by discount, gift certificate, store credit and point rebate. Tax and Shipping charges will be excluded from this amount too.

  • You can exclude the product from selected categories/collections from entitled points.
  • Select the Order status when the Points will be awarded to the customer
    The points is credited to customer account will be deducted/remove if the order is cancelled at the later stage.
  • Select any customer groups that will not earn points, if any. 
  • Select the preferred rewards point rounding model, either rounding up or rounding down to the nearest dollar. 


Points Redeem Options

  • Select the Points Redeem Mode:
    • Simple
      The system will allow the customer to redeem points with a fixed bucket.
      Every X point will entitle to $Y, regardless of the total available points of the customer.
    • Repeating Tiered
      The system will allow the customer to redeem points in tiers, depending on the total available points of the customer. Usually, the point's value increase in tiers.
      You will decide the tiers, e.g., 100 points for $10, 150 points for $20.
      The system will calculate all the available options based on the tiers you set up and cap at the customer balance points or cart amount, whichever is lower.
    • Exact Tiered
      Similar to Repeating tiered, the system will allow the customer to redeem points in tiers, depending on the total available points of the customer. Usually, the point's value increase in tiers.
      You will decide the tiers, e.g., 100 points for $10, 150 points for $20.
      However, the options/tiers are limited to what you already set up in the system.
  • Enter the minimum purchase amount to redeem Point.
    Only orders amount is higher than the required amount will be entitled to redemption.

  • If you would like to refrain the customers from paying the amount for selected categories/collections with the point redemption, list the categories/collections under Products from selected categories/collections will not be eligible for redemption of Points.

  • Enter the maximum percentage of the order total that can be discounted using points.
    For example, if you enter 100%, the customers can fully pay the order by the point redemption.

  • Enter the maximum amount that can be discounted in Single Order using Points.
    For example, if you enter $20, the customer can redeem up to $20 worth of points in a single order. Left blank if you do not want to impose a limit.

  • If you would like to refrain the customers from paying the whole order with point redemption when they have selected items in their cart, list the categories/collections under Do not allow points redemption if cart contain any products of following categories.

  • Suppose you do not want a customer who uses a discount to pay the order with point redemption. In that case, you turn on Do not allow points redemption if any DISCOUNT is used. You can list selected discounts are allowed to use together with points.


Points Expiration

  • You can decide on the validity of the points wards to your customers.
    These settings affect new Points only, and they are not retroactive.
    Points expiration depends upon the system cron.


Enable Monthly Notifications   

  • The monthly summary email will send to all the customers with positive Points balance on the first day of every month.
  • From Manage Your Store (Dashboard) SettingMarketing > Reward Points.
  • If you wish to allow customer unsubscribe this email directly, please include this [points-email-unsubscribe-url] token into the email. 
    Configure the Unsubscribe Page Content, so that your customer is aware about the action and informed with the reactivate path. 
  • Click Save Configuration.
  • You can also setup the notification setting from Manage Your Store (Dashboard) Setting > Email >  Email List.


Please refer to Replacement Variables For Email for the tokens



Turn off Monthly Summary for selected customer

You may turn off this notification for particular customer.

  • Go to Manage Your Store (Dashboard) > ORDERS > CUSTOMER.
  • From Customer Manager search for the customer record. Guide on How To Search A Customer Record.
  • Go to Edit, then Point Section and uncheck.
  • Click Save.


Please setup a webpage to share your rewards program with your customer. 
Sample 1 and Sample 2